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Covington dentist details dental veneers treatment

Dental veneers have technically been around since 1928 as a temporary cosmetic enhancement. The bonding method became more reliable in the late 1950s, and advances in the early 1980s brought the beauty of veneers from Hollywood actors to people from all walks of life in the Covington area. Today, Dr. Venitress Carrington performs the dental veneers treatment with precision and artistry, beautifying smiles throughout Covington.

Dental veneers treatment starts with careful planning

Your smile is vitally important to self-image and how others see you. Dr. Carrington believes that warrants extra attention to detail in planning and design of veneers. In her hands, these thin layers of lustrous porcelain disguise a multitude of imperfections, bringing stunning balance and symmetry to the smile.
It begins with a relaxed conversation so that the doctor can understand what you want to change about the appearance of your teeth. Dr. Carrington describes all treatment options that might be suitable, to help you make an informed decision. If, together, you decide to pursue veneers, she conducts a thorough examination to determine your current oral health status. Problems such as tooth decay or gum disease must be addressed first. In addition, getting rid of amalgam fillings may improve the aesthetics, and replacing old composite fillings can improve longevity of veneers.

Having veneers placed generally requires just two appointments. The first involves preparation:

  • Teeth are trimmed, removing a small amount of enamel equal to the expected thickness of veneers. Your comfort is top priority. Depending on the amount of trimming necessary and how sensitive your teeth are, Dr. Carrington may suggest local numbing.
  • The dentist uses a shade guide to help you select the color of your veneers. Usually, you try match the teeth closest to those that will be veneered. However, if you want to go lighter, teeth can be whitened before designing veneers. Once the general color is chosen, the dentist makes detailed notes for the ceramist about shading and translucency on specific areas of each veneer. This ensures a natural, life-like look.
  • The next step is taking impressions. If Dr. Carrington feels that physical molds are most appropriate, retraction cord is placed under the perimeter of each tooth to be treated. This allows impression paste to flow beneath the gum line. Since veneers tuck under gum tissue, this technique provides an accurate cast for fabrication. In other instances, the doctor may opt for panoramic digital impressions, taken with special imaging equipment.
  • If your teeth are very sensitive, or if trimming has affected their appearance, temporary veneers, made of a plastic material are placed.
  • Impressions, measurements, and shading information are sent to a trusted dental laboratory. A stone cast is made of your mouth, and each veneer is meticulously crafted, layer by layer, from a strong dental ceramic material.

How are dental veneers applied?

Dr. Venitress Carrington provides Dental veneers in Covington, GA

It takes about two weeks for veneers to be made. When they are completed, you return to Smile Creations for the final phase in your smile transformation. Numbing is usually not necessary.

  • If temporary veneers were placed, they are gently removed.
  • Dr. Carrington sets each veneer in place, one by one, to check fit and appearance. While the fabrication process is precise, it cannot duplicate the artistic eye of an experienced dentist. The doctor may make minor adjustments for snug fit and the most appealing aesthetics.
  • The dentist chooses a cement that will provide contribute to the best color match. She uses a trial paste of the same color, that doesn’t bond to the tooth, to be sure.
  • You and the doctor take one last look before veneers are cemented, to ensure your satisfaction. This is your final chance to request an alteration to shape or color.
  • An etching gel is applied to a tooth and left on for about 20 seconds. It roughens enamel slightly, creating a texture that encourages a strong bond. The inside of each veneer has already been etched at the lab.
  • Etching gel is removed. A clear bonding agent is applied, then a layer of cement. When the veneer is positioned properly, cement is set with a curing light.
  • The process is repeated for each veneer.
  • Excess cement is removed. Edges of veneers are trimmed and polished. Bite is evaluated.
  • You receive instruction for home care to keep your new smile bright and healthy.

That’s it! In just two visits over the span of about two weeks, your smile is transformed. If you have additional questions about dental veneers treatment, please call (770) 786-2754 to schedule a consultation at our Covington, GA office.
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